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獻主會會士透過誓願實踐修會的精神,除了神貧、聽命和貞潔三願之外,還有堅忍。「雖然三願已經包含堅 忍的 決心,堅忍的誓願公開表明我們遵從我們的修道家庭及絕對投入我們的使命。」(會規第三十條)成為獻主會會士的培育由初學期正式開始,一般為期一年。初學的生活主要圍繞祈禱、工作和學習,建立與 天主 更親密的關係以辨別如何回應聖召,適應團體生活和認識會祖和修會的精神和歷史。另外,培育包括禮儀和牧民的訓練,例如協助籌劃修會的 周年慶典,亦會體驗獻主會服務的落後地區的生活。完成初學者可以按個人意願發願成為會士。

Oblates put into practice the charism of the congregation through vows. In addition to the evangelical counsels of poverty, obedience and chastity, Oblates profess also the vow of perseverance. “Although the determination to persevere is already included in the three vows, we add a vow of perseverance, thereby publicly attesting our attachment to our religious family and our definitive commitment to its mission.” (C 30). The formation to become an Oblate begins with novitiate which normally lasts one year. Novitiate life mainly consists of prayer, work and studies. Novices would discern their vocation by establishing an intimate relationship with God, adjust themselves to community life and learn the charism and history of the founder and the congregation. Furthermore, formation includes training in liturgy and ministry, such as assisting the organisation of anniversary celebrations and living with the poor whom the Oblates serve. After completing novitiate, one may freely profess the vows to become an Oblate.

我的初學經驗非常豐富,除了因為培育活動提供各式各樣的牧民與生活體驗,還因為初學兄弟包括菲律賓、泰國和老撾人,多元的 文化 背景讓我們每天都在差異中互相學習和成長。初學期加深了我對聖召的認識,在神師和同伴的支持下,確定成為獻主會會士的意願。

My novitiate was a very fruitful experience. Not only were there many kinds of opportunities of ministry and life exposure, but also growth as a person in cultural differences for there were Filipinos, a Thai and a Laotian amongst my batch-mates. Novitiate had deepened my understanding of vocation. With the support of my spiritual director and companions, I have confirmed my will to become an Oblate.


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